
No. Image Part Number Manufacturer Description
40120 INCH-D2-MV-MINI20 INCH-D2-MV-MINIAll Sensors CorporationSENSOR 20" H2O D MV DUAL OSInquiry
40220 INCH-D2-P4V-MINI20 INCH-D2-P4V-MINIAll Sensors CorporationSENSOR 20" H2O D P4V DUAL OSInquiry
40320 INCH-D-4V20 INCH-D-4VAll Sensors CorporationSENSOR 20" H2O D 4V DUALInquiry
40420 INCH-D-4V-MIL20 INCH-D-4V-MILAll Sensors CorporationSENSOR 20" H2O D 4V DUALInquiry
40520 INCH-D-4V-PRIME20 INCH-D-4V-PRIMEAll Sensors CorporationSENSOR 20" H2O D 4V DUALInquiry
40620 INCH-D-DO20 INCH-D-DOAll Sensors CorporationSENSOR 20" H2O D DO DUALInquiry
40720 INCH-D-DO-MIL20 INCH-D-DO-MILAll Sensors CorporationSENSOR 20" H2O D DO DUALInquiry
40820 INCH-D-MV20 INCH-D-MVAll Sensors CorporationSENSOR 20" H2O D MV DUALInquiry
40920 INCH-G-4V20 INCH-G-4VAll Sensors CorporationSENSOR 20" H2O G 4V DUALInquiry
41020 INCH-G-4V-MIL20 INCH-G-4V-MILAll Sensors CorporationSENSOR 20" H2O 4V DUALInquiry
41120 INCH-G-4V-MINI20 INCH-G-4V-MINIAll Sensors CorporationSENSOR 20" H2O G 4V MONOInquiry
41220 INCH-G-4V-PRIME20 INCH-G-4V-PRIMEAll Sensors CorporationSENSOR 20" H2O G 4V DUALInquiry
41320 INCH-G-BASIC20 INCH-G-BASICAll Sensors CorporationSENSOR 20" H2O G MV MONOInquiry
41420 INCH-G-MV-MINI20 INCH-G-MV-MINIAll Sensors CorporationSENSOR 20" H2O G MV MONOInquiry
41520 INCH-G-P4V-MINI20 INCH-G-P4V-MINIAll Sensors CorporationSENSOR 20" H2O G P4V MONOInquiry
416236PC100GW236PC100GWHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR VACUUM GAUGE +-100 PSIInquiry
417236PC150GW236PC150GWHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR ABS PRESS 0-100 PSIAInquiry
418236PC15GW236PC15GWHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR UNAMPLIFIED +-15 PSIInquiry
419236PC30GW236PC30GWHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR UNAMPLIFIED +-30 PSIInquiry
420236PC60GW236PC60GWHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR UNAMPLIFIED +-60 PSIInquiry
42123A-001G23A-001GMeasurement Specialties Inc.SENSOR PRES 1PSIG 0-100MV TO-8Inquiry
42223A-005G23A-005GMeasurement Specialties Inc.SENSOR PRES 5PSIG 0-100MV TO-8Inquiry
423241PC15M241PC15MHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR VACUUM GAUGE 0-15 PSIInquiry
424242PC100G242PC100GHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR GAUGE 0-100 PSIInquiry
425242PC150G242PC150GHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR VACUUM GAUGE 0-150 PSIInquiry
426242PC15M242PC15MHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR GAUGE 0-15 PSIInquiry
427242PC250G242PC250GHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR VACUUM GAUGE 0-250 PSIInquiry
429243PC15M243PC15MHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR PRESSURE 15PSI GAUGEInquiry
43024PC01SMT24PC01SMTHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR PRESS GAUGE 1PSIInquiry
43124PC05SMT24PC05SMTHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENS 5PSI DIFFERENTIAL GAUGE SMDInquiry
43224PC15SMT24PC15SMTHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENS 15PSI DIFFERENTIAL GAUGE SMInquiry
43324PCAFA2G24PCAFA2GHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR DIFFERENTIAL +-1 PSIInquiry
43424PCAFA6D24PCAFA6DHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR 1PSI DIFFERENTIAL GAUGEInquiry
43624PCAFB2G24PCAFB2GHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR VACUUM GAUGE +-1 PSIInquiry
43724PCAFD2G24PCAFD2GHoneywell Sensing and ControlPRESSURE20PC24PC 1 PSIInquiry
43824PCAFD6G24PCAFD6GHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR VACUUM GAUGE +-1 PSIInquiry
43924PCAFJ2G24PCAFJ2GHoneywell Sensing and ControlPRESSURE20PC24PC 1 PSIInquiry
44024PCAFJ6G24PCAFJ6GHoneywell Sensing and ControlPRESSURE20PC24PC 1 PSIInquiry
44124PCAND6G24PCAND6GHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR VACUUM GAUGE +-1 PSIInquiry
44224PCBFA2G24PCBFA2GHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR PRESS GAUGE 5.0 PSIInquiry
44324PCBFA6D24PCBFA6DHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR 5PSI DIFFERENTIAL GAUGEInquiry
44424PCBFA6G24PCBFA6GHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR 5PSI GAUGEInquiry
44624PCBFB6G24PCBFB6GHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR VACUUM GAUGE +-5 PSIInquiry
44724PCBFD6G24PCBFD6GHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR VACUUM GAUGE +-5 PSIInquiry
44824PCBFJ2G24PCBFJ2GHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR VACUUM GAUGE +-5 PSIInquiry
44924PCBNB2G24PCBNB2GHoneywell Sensing and ControlPRESSURE20PC24PC 5 PSIInquiry
45024PCBND6G24PCBND6GHoneywell Sensing and ControlSENSOR DIFFERENTIAL +-5 PSIInquiry

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